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Gig Drivers of Canada is a community of men & women all across Canada who make money driving for Uber, Uber Eats, Cornershop, Lyft, DoorDash, Skip the Dishes and Instacart. Together, we help one another MAKE MORE MONEY and ENJOY OUR WORK. We welcome your participation! has 4 main sections:

  • Gigapedia – A well-organized searchable information library about gig driving in Canada
  • Gig Café – A gathering place with 11 Facebook Group forums for drivers to discuss gig driving in Canada
  • Gigbytes – Thought-provoking blog articles with the latest news, ideas and opinions about gig driving
  • Resources – A selection of the best tools & resources for gig driving success

The Gig Café Facebook Groups are hosted on the Facebook platform. When logged in to your FB account, you can access all 11 Groups. To view member comments and participate in the conversations, just join the Groups which most interest you. Signing up is easy!

Also, our subscribers receive regular Gig Bulletin email updates (info & useful tips about gig driving in Canada).

Meet the “Founder”

I (Douglas Anderson) am a gig driver – originally from Montreal, and now based in Mississauga, Ontario. As a gig driver, I make decent money and enjoy my work. I drive passengers with Uber Rideshare, deliver meals with Uber Eats, and pick & deliver groceries with Cornershop. (I am also a registered active driver with Lyft, DoorDash, Skip the Dishes and Instacart. But most of my gig time is with the 3 Ubers – Rideshare/Eats/Cornershop.)


Gig driving has plenty of challenges, risks & frustrations. Over the years, I found some help & encouragement reading various Facebook Groups for Uber drivers. However, in those groups I had to read through a lot of nonsense, small talk, bickering, complaints and misinformation to find the information that was truly helpful to me!

So I decided to launch a better alternative – – a place where Canadian gig drivers can find reliable information and friendly encouragement. I set it up because I genuinely get joy from helping others succeed.

Hopefully will be a great source of support & inspiration for the amazing family of gig drivers all across Canada. And hopefully people who are thinking about joining the gig driver family will find guidance to help them make a wise decision. Gig driving is not a good fit for everyone.

Please join us! is not a one-man operation. Far from it! Our success depends on the participation of fellow-drivers from British Columbia to Newfoundland. Please join us and make your own contribution – by actively participating in the Gig Café Facebook Groups, and by submitting comments for Gigapedia articles and Gigbytes blogs.

Sign Up Today!

Subscribers receive regular Gig Bulletin email updates (info & useful tips about gig driving in Canada) and GigBytes blogs (thought-provoking opinions & helpful ideas).

Where Do You Want to Go?

FAQs about

  • What is Gig Drivers of Canada?

    Gig Drivers of Canada is a community of men & women all across Canada who make money driving for Uber, Uber Eats, Cornershop, Lyft, DoorDash, Skip the Dishes and Instacart. Through the Website, we help one another MAKE MORE MONEY and ENJOY OUR WORK. We welcome your participation! has 4 main sections:

    • Gigapedia – A well-organized searchable information library about gig driving in Canada
    • Gig Café – A gathering place with 11 Facebook Group forums for drivers to discuss gig driving in Canada
    • Gigbytes – Thought-provoking blog articles with the latest news, ideas and opinions about gig driving
    • Resources – A selection of the best tools & resources for gig driving success

    The Gig Café Facebook Groups are hosted on the Facebook platform. When logged in to your FB account, you can access all 11 Groups. To view member comments and participate in the conversations, just join the Groups which most interest you. Signing up is easy!

    In addition to all the above great content, subscribers also receive regular Gig Bulletin email updates (info & useful tips about gig driving in Canada).

  • What is the Gigapedia?

    The Gigapedia is a well-organized searchable information library about gig driving in Canada. The many well-written articles provide valuable guidelines about getting started in gig driving.

    And you will find very detailed information about each of Canada’s main gig platforms (Uber Rideshare, Uber Eats, Cornershop, Lyft, DoorDash, Skip the Dishes and Instacart) – pros & cons, how to register, and our most popular articles about how to maximize income.

  • Where can I find more information about the Gig Café (Facebook Group forums)?

    The Gig Café is a set of 11 FACEBOOK GROUPS hosted by Gig Drivers of Canada. Through these Facebook Groups, you can connect with fellow gig drivers all across Canada, discussing how to MAKE MORE MONEY and ENJOY OUR WORK.

    The Gig Café Groups are hosted by Gig Drivers of Canada on the Facebook platform. When logged in to your FB account, you can access all 11 Groups. To view member comments and participate in the conversations, just join the Groups which most interest you. Signing up is easy!

    We invite you to join one (or several) of the 11 Groups. Participate in lively discussions, sharing what’s on your mind – questions, comments, victories, frustrations, tips & tricks, whatever! Learn from other gig drivers, and contribute your own comments.

    Click here for more information about the Gig Café forums. We hope you will sign up and participate. Together, let’s help one another MAKE MORE MONEY and ENJOY OUR WORK!

  • What is the Gig Bulletin, and how can I receive it?

    The Gig Bulletin is a weekly email update exclusively for subscribers. It is a summary of the latest information, with links to the best new content and useful gig driving tips. Eventually, we also expect to include special offers & opportunities for our members.

    We invite you to subscribe to the Gig Bulletin. Subscribing is easy, and your subscription information will always be kept private (securely managed by MailChimp).

  • What are the benefits of being a subscriber?

    Subscribers receive regular Gig Bulletin email updates (info & useful tips about gig driving in Canada) and GigBytes blogs (thought-provoking blog articles with the latest news, ideas, opinions & helpful ideas about gig driving in Canada).

  • Is my subscription information kept private?

    YES! Gig Drivers of Canada does not share your subscription information (name & email address) with any outside parties.

    You can read more on our Privacy Policy page.

  • How do I put a shortcut to on my smart phone?

    It’s easy to set up a shortcut to on your smartphone’s home screen. This makes feel like an app, and gives you instant access without needing a browser. You can even set up several different shortcuts leading to different sections. For example, one shortcut can be for the Gigapedia, so you can quickly access the excellent content. And Facebook makes it easy to place a shortcut on your home screen for any of the Facebook Groups. (Just choose “Add to Home Screen” from the list of options at top right of your FB Group screen).

    Android and Apple each have specific steps for quickly creating shortcuts, though it may vary slightly from one browser to another. Just google “how to create a web page shortcut on Android” (or iPhone). The various browsers usually have a menu item for this, so it only takes a few seconds to place an icon shortcut on your home screen.

    (One day, we hope to launch a APP that will make the process even easier!)

  • How can I share an article on one of my social networks?

    Our readers often like to share a Gigapedia article or a GigBytes blog with their friends. Most computer and smartphone browsers have a convenient share button, which will automatically forward the link to your preferred social network.

    Also, throughout the site, near the bottom of every page is a set of 4 social network links (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Email). These will make it easy for you to tell others about an article which you really like.

    Don’t keep something good all to yourself!

  • I noticed an error on the site.

    By all means, please let us know, so we can fix it as soon as possible!

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