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Comparing 7 Gigs

If you are not yet a gig driver, but are considering starting, begin by comparing 7 gigs which are the main platforms in Canada. Before going any further, you need to answer 3 big questions:

    1. Is gig driving for me?
    2. Which gig CATEGORY (passengers, meals, groceries) is the best fit?
    3. Which gig PLATFORM(s) should I drive with?

Before you make any decisions, familiarize yourself with the 7 main gig platforms featured in (Uber Rideshare, Uber Eats, Cornershop, Lyft, DoorDash, Skip the Dishes, and Instacart). Start by looking over the Comparison Table below, comparing 7 gigs and their general characteristics of side-by-side. Then use the Dig Deeper links below the table to explore the gigs which interest you.

As you research, you will soon get a sense of direction. It’s not necessary to have answers to every question before moving forward. With gig driving, there is much flexibility & freedom. It’s easy to take a few steps and “test the waters” without changing your lifestyle or making commitments. Therefore, when you are feeling fairly confident about your direction, you might as well go ahead and sign up with the gig(s) which seem to be the best fit for you.

Comparison Table

This chart lists the 7 main gig platforms featured in The table compares 11 general characteristics side-by-side. You can easily scroll/swipe left & right to view all the columns. And you can sort the lists using the small arrows beside the column titles.

UBER RIDESHAREPassengersBigHighLittleLittleNoVery MuchMuchFewYesMore
UBER EATSMealsBigMediumSomeSomeYesVery MuchSomeManyYesSome
LYFTPassengersSmallerHighLittleLittleNoVery MuchMuchManyFeeMore
SKIP THE DISHESMealsMediumMediumSomeSomeYesSomeSomeManyFeeSome

Dig Deeper

Here are the 7 main gig platforms featured in – along with links to the most useful pages in the Gigapedia and Gig Café. Explore the gigs which interest you the most. Dig deeper until you get a sense of direction about which gig (or gigs) may be the best fit for you.

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