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Introducing DoorDash

DoorDash is a well-known name in meal delivery, and a major player in the world of gig driving. If you are considering the possibility of gig driving in Canada, take a look at DoorDash. Here is some essential information to help you explore possibilities.

DoorDash: How It Works

DoorDash launched its meal delivery service in Canada in 2015, and now serves over 150 communities and over 30,000 restaurants. Its amazing software program, using the Internet, matches customers with drivers who use their own private car to deliver meals from local restaurants.

As a DoorDash driver (a “Dasher”), you are treated as an “independent contractor” (not an employee). This means you sign a contract with DoorDash which specifies the terms and mutual commitments of the arrangement. And it means you must provide the car (covering operating expenses) and the technology (smartphone with Internet connection).

If you are in good standing and logged in, DoorDash gives you free access to their online platform and matches you with customers in your area who are ordering food from nearby restaurants. Using GPS mapping technology, the app guides you to the pickup restaurant and the delivery location (usually the customer’s home or workplace). The app also displays your earnings information in real time, and keeps a record of all your trips and statistics. Unlike some other gigs, DoorDash also allows some advance scheduling of “Dash” shifts for specific times & locations. DoorDash then promises to limit the number of Dashers you will be competing with during those Dashes.

Being an “independent contractor” means you are free to deliver meals whenever & wherever you want (in cities where you meet the requirements). This is one of the main reasons gig drivers like driving with DoorDash: YOU ARE YOUR OWN BOSS. You can drive as few or as many hours as you choose; and your earnings will be largely a factor of your own efforts. That’s freedom!

DoorDash deposits your earnings once a week into your bank account. But you can also cash out your current balance in advance, any time you want. Need $50 in a hurry? Get in the car, deliver 5 or 6 meals, cash out immediately, and the money will be in your bank account the same day. Nice!

More Gigapedia Articles about DoorDash

By the way, the Gig Café (11 Facebook Groups) is a GREAT place to learn from other gig drivers across Canada – including a group specifically for DoorDash drivers.

How Has the Covid Pandemic Affected DoorDash?

The pandemic hitting Canada in 2020 had significant impact upon driving with DoorDash. Initially, there was extreme concern about the spread of the virus between restaurant staff, drivers and customers. Many drivers played it safe and stayed home.

But with so many people across Canada not leaving their homes (including millions who began working remotely), there was a massive surge in ordering meals online. Restaurants scrambled to switch to delivery mode and get on the major delivery platforms (including DoorDash). Pings for Dashers increased quite dramatically. For those Dashers who courageously stayed on the road throughout this time, it was a bonanza. Other drivers who were sitting on the sidelines cautiously returned to get in on the action – including new drivers who switched over from rideshare gigs.

But because of the pandemic, the gig world had changed. Masks became mandatory everywhere. Hand sanitizer was applied 100 times a day. Distancing was an absolute must. Outdoor lineups became more common. Entry to offices & high-rise buildings was more difficult. But drivers adjusted, took precautions, stayed safe, and made good money.  Meanwhile, DoorDash invested millions to improve their system, and to bring on many new restaurants & drivers.

Let the world recognize that Canadian Dashers are PANDEMIC HEROES, courageously delivering food to multitudes of people in lockdown or working remotely or in quarantine, in cities & communities all across our great nation.

After looking over this information, you may want to study more complete and up-to-date details found on the DoorDash Website. That’s where you will also find information which applies specifically to the location where you plan to drive.

Ready to Start?

Once you are confident DoorDash may be a good fit for you, then you might as well go ahead and take the next step: SIGN UP! It only takes a few minutes to set up your DoorDash Account, providing basic information to establish your driver profile.

Don’t worry – DoorDash does not require fees or deposits, and there are no binding obligations or legal traps. At any point along the way, you can pause to get answers to your questions. But if you’re ready to move forward, the sooner you sign up and launch the registration process, the sooner you’ll be out on the road earning money.

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