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Requirements for Driving with Skip the Dishes

There are clear requirements for driving with Skip the Dishes. It is important that you study the Skip Website for all the latest details and guidance, especially for delivering meals in your particular location.

Skip the Dishes delivers by CAR (and in some places by BIKE or by FOOT). This article focuses on delivery by CAR. (Please visit the Skip Website to see requirements for delivery by bike or foot.)

Generally, Skip requires that you:

    • Are eligible to work in Canada.
    • Have a valid driver’s license (normally for the province where you will drive).
    • Provide a reliable vehicle (registered & insured).
    • Clear a criminal record check. (Skip helps you do this) (Done annually)
    • Are willing to sign the legal agreements which reflect your arrangements with Skip the Dishes.
    • Possess a set of approved thermal bags.

As you are probably aware, you must provide your own technology: A verifiable email address and cellphone number; and a smartphone and data plan with sufficient coverage for all your online work and road time.

Please remember that Skip’s requirements vary slightly from one province to another, and even from one city to another. So it is important that you study the Skip Website about specific requirements for the location where you plan to drive.

Required Documents

Before Skip activates your account, you must upload certain documents:

    • Driver’s license
    • Proof of eligibility to work in Canada
    • Documents related to the vehicle you will be using:
        • Registration
        • Insurance
    • Photo

How Long Will it Take to Get my Skip Account Activated?

Once you provide all the documentation, it should normally take a few days or less for the registration process to be completed. While waiting, begin planning your strategy for making the most money delivering meals with Skip the Dishes.

Ready to Start?

Be sure to study the Skip Website about specific requirements in your area. Once you are confident that you are qualified, then go ahead and take the next step: SIGN UP! It only takes a few minutes to set up your Skip Account, providing basic information to establish your driver profile.

Don’t worry – Skip does not require fees or deposits, and there are no binding obligations or legal traps. At any point along the way, you can pause to get answers to your questions. So you might as well get started now. The sooner you sign up and launch the registration process, the sooner you’ll be out on the road earning money.

(Note: When you click the link to go to Skip’s sign-up page, the sign-up address will automatically include a Referral Code W6JDRA. This tells Skip the Dishes you were referred by Gig Drivers of Canada. We would be grateful if you will use that sign-up page (or enter that Referral Code in a sign-up box), so Gig Drivers can receive recognition and a small referral reward to help cover our expenses. Thank you very much!)

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